Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Editing Recreation Task (Practice)

Recently, our class has been practicing editing in preparation for our continuity task and, ultimately, our final finished film. Therefore, I used this opportunity to fine tune my ability to edit, something that admittedly I don't think is my strongest skill. To start the task, we looked at an opening to a thriller previously completed by past students. Then, we were given all the raw clips for the film which, to make it even harder, were in the wrong order. For the task, we had to put the raw files in the correct order and then make identical cuts to those seen in the final piece. The cuts needed to be clean and the footage had to flow; moreover, we needed to add the sound and the titles to the clip. All this was done using Adobe Premiere Pro, a software program that I was wary of given that I hadn't used the program before and technology isn't my strong suit.
Our work can be seen in the video below:-

My Stengths:-
-The editing appeared smooth and was sufficently accurate, helping the extract run efficiently.
-The titles were the same font, colour and were positioned in the same place.

My Weaknesses:-
-The timing of our cuts was longer than the original, making the clip longer than necessary and this was dull.
-The sound was out of time with the original, and so the sound was out of time with the action.
-Lastly, we didn't use all the raw files, and so therefore din't get to complete the task.

Overall, I felt this task was a learning curve; I became more comfortable with the software as the task went on, and now I feel more confident going into the filming of the continuity task. It has also highighted mistakes and flaws before the 'real thing', and so therefore I feel more aware of what I now need to do to improve. I now  understand the importance of editing well, and I feel more confident in my ability to edit.

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